Shades of Gray Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats are made from our very own farmed Rabbit Meat, your cat will adore the taste of this natural meat! Crafted from our very own Rabbit Rolls and simply dehydrated, these treats offer a natural and irresistible snacking experience for your feline friend.
Made from Rabbit Rolls: Our Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats are made from our very own Rabbit Rolls, ensuring top-notch quality and flavour in every bite. They're simply dehydrated, preserving their natural goodness.
All-Natural Goodness: These Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats are all-natural and provide essential vitamins and nutrients for a healthy diet, in perfect harmony with nature. Free from glycerine, gluten, grain, preservatives, and antibiotics, they offer pure and wholesome nutrition.
High in Protein, Low in Fat: These Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats are high in protein and low in fat, making them an ideal choice for your pet's health and wellbeing. They satisfy your cat's cravings without compromising on nutrition.
Convenient Resealable Bag: Packaged in a convenient resealable bag, our Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats are easy to store and use, ensuring freshness with every serving.
Ethically Manufactured: Produced and packaged in our Alderville First Nation facility, each treat is crafted with care and respect for both pets and the environment.
Treat your cat to Indigenous Rabbit Cat Treats and watch them purr with delight!